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Cooke Chatter

This page is intended for family and friends of Jay Cooke to communicate about their connection and history.

Here are some of the many questions which come to mind. Are there any more you would like to add?

  • What are your comments, questions, recollections, and news?
  • When did you first hear about Jay Cooke?
  • What family recollections do you have? How far back do your memories go on the Cooke Branch? Do you have any family stories you would like to record/ and or receive comments on from others who may tie into these memories?
  • Did you know any of the grand children or great grandchildren of Jay Cooke? If so what do you remember about them?
  • Did your parents pass down any information on Jay Cooke, his descendents, his life, his houses which you would like to put on record here?
  • Do you have any questions or information would you like to send to others?
  • Would you like to list your email address so others could alert you to the fact that they would like to communicate with you through this WEB or directly?
  • What comments do you have on the wonderful 1998 Jay Cooke Reunion on Gibraltar organized by Jim and Anne Harding?
  • What have you been up to since then?

Cooke Chatter screenshot
Already a member? Go to the Jay Cooke Family Discussion

Get on the E-Mail Discussion

We've set up a convenient way to communicate with other members of Jay Cooke's descendants and growing family. It uses Yahoo! Groups Discussion, a free service of Yahoo! It's easy to enroll. All you need is a valid e-mail address. To get started, send a message to Alicia Watts Hosmer and she'll add you to the list. Then you'll start receiving messages and be able to participate in the discussion.