Jay Cooke signature Learn about Cooke: The Man Cooke Family Tree Gibraltar Island Slide Show Family News Discussion Group

.Genealogy > Jay Cooke > Laura E. Cooke > Emily Bronaugh Barney and Friedrich von Hiller

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Elizabeth Barney-Thomas Smith Kelly

Emily Barney von Hiller Emily Barney von Hiller

The fourth of six Barney sisters, she married the German Baron, Friedrich von Hiller and they lived in the USA and Mexico.

The Barney Concert, 1891 The Barney Concert, 1891

According to Henry Cooke, "The Grand Concert" was offered every day of the Barney family's stay on the island.

The Barney Tribe, 1886 The Barney Tribe, 1886

A visit by the family of Laura Cooke Barney was welcomed by most Gibraltarites in the summer of 1886. The group arrives with luggage in tow.